AI With A Conscience™  

WorkDone, Inc., A Privately Held, RegCF Company

A Portfolio Client of DigitalAMN

Disclosure and Disclaimer

WorkDone, Inc. (WorkDone), enables organizations to seamlessly automate business processes between major SaaS platforms (Office 365, Salesforce, NetSuite, etc.) with no user training or programming required.

The Company’s patent-pending technology, Expertise Capture, uses machine learning to train WorkDone Agents to complete repetitive back office tasks so humans can perform higher value work.

WorkDone Agents work together to create systems of intelligence that preserve the corporate memory, retaining all institutional knowledge when an employee retires or leaves the company.

DigitalAMN continues greatly assisting WorkDone with its long-term business development plans; particularly as the Company continue to leverage various AI technologies to support its visibility within the Industry. 

As with any other DigitalAMN client-company, portfolio company, and/or those affiliated companies within DigitalAMN’s ecosystem (each a “Client Affiliated Company”), DigitalAMN will enter into a transaction or series of agreements to obtain cash and/or securities and DigitalAMN will often address matters concerning the Client Affiliated Company, its industry and its specific market segment.   DigitalAMN typically uses various outlets which include, but not limited to: (i) press releases, (ii) blogs, (iii) articles, (iv) all social media platforms – each originating from DigitalAMN, a Client Affiliated Company, and/or the client-company (WorkDone (in this case)). DigitalAMN may also introduce and otherwise discuss a Client Affiliated Company in other social forums such as conferences, speaking engagements, radio and televised interviews, etc.

Section 17(b) of the Securities Act of 1933 requires that any person that uses the mails to publish, give publicity to, or circulate any publication or communication that describes a security in return for consideration received or to be received directly or indirectly from an issuer, underwriter, or dealer, must fully disclose the type of consideration (i.e. cash, free trading stock, restricted stock, stock options, stock warrants) and the specific amount of the consideration. 

DigitalAMN has received a cash retainer for its Advisory Consulting Services, that have been billed under a Statement of Work (“SOW”), and, per the SOW, DigitalAMN may be paid in cash and/or securities via additional SOW addendums.

DigitalAMN intends to continue working closely with WorkDone, as The Company continues to reach their business development goals; we’re thrilled to engage with the stellar management team.

Forward Looking Statements

Statements in this press release that are not statements of historical or current fact constitute “forward-looking statements.”  Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other unknown factors that could cause the Company’s actual operating results to be materially different from any historical results or from any future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.  In addition to statements that explicitly describe these risks and uncertainties, readers are urged to consider statements that contain terms such as “believes,” “belief,” “expects,” “expect,” “intends,” “intend,” “anticipate,” “anticipates,” “plans,” “plan,” to be uncertain and forward-looking.

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