Photo of a mobile device displaying digital music.

Calling all music lovers to Vezt’s Initial Song Offering™

What is an Initial Song Offering™?

In 1985, Michael Jackson pulled off one of the savviest business moves of all time by buying the publishing rights to the Beatles’ music catalog. In Jackson’s memoir, he addressed “the importance of publishing and royalties and the dignity of songwriting.” Owning the rights to songs and music libraries is no longer reserved for the ultra wealthy, thanks to Vezt’s Initial Song Offering™ (ISO™) program. Music fans can buy rights in their favorite songs and enjoy a share of ownership through Vezt’s cryptocurrency, VZT, using blockchain technology. Artists and rights holders maintain full control over their intellectual properties, it’s their choice which of their songs are offered for public sale. Royalties are shared and distributed via blockchain, a secure decentralized platform.

The ISO™ revolution

For decades, artists have had limited control over their song libraries. Vezt aims to change that by opening a marketplace that offers more opportunities for artists to create more music and enjoy more financial control. With a new revenue stream generated by selling slices of song rights, artists have an incentive to produce more work and music fans subsequently share in the ownership. An ISO™ generates awareness, demand and opportunity for an artist’s work, returning power to the people who own the rights and collect royalties.

How It Works

With Vezt, musicians and rights holders decide how much capital they’d like to raise from a fraction of their song, set the reversion term, and set a date for the ISO™. The process is simple and designed to appeal to developing, as well as established artists and music fans. The Vezt app is coming soon to Apple and Android.

So, what’s your favorite song? Join the ISO™!

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