Does Coronavirus Have You Concerned About Your Financial Future?
There’s no doubt that people are beyond scared about the spread of COVID-19, more colloquially known as the coronavirus. While many are simply concerned about their health, most people are rapidly becoming terrified at the thought of how their financial lives will be affected.
This week alone, we’ve seen the market down thousands of points, with 1,000-point fluctuations occurring nearly everyday. It seems that as the virus spreads to new locations daily, people are converting into cash out of fear of what’s next. However… don’t panic. Be vigilantly concerned, but do not panic.
Other options exist
Far before the coronavirus emerged onto the global scene, the daily volatility of this stock market was enough to cause mental stress. Luckily for us, other options exist which could greatly limit the risk from this market. Crowdfunding! What better time to support an emerging startup, than while the stock market continues convulsing. Securing a stake in what could ultimately be the next major venture could be a smart move, as these investments are more likely to materialize overtime versus the short-term fluctuations that we’re experiencing today.
You’re not alone
If the overall volatility of this ‘manic’ market is causing you anxiety, you’re in good company. This market selloff shows that fear exists and people have no idea what to do next. However, sitting on the sidelines may not be the best move. While those who are unsure sit on their money, letting it do nothing for them, the ‘smart money’ tends to invest no matter what the market conditions are because just about every market presents a financial opportunity. With many crowdfunding investments starting with an average investment as low as $100, the risk remains low, during times of panic, recession and prosperity.
There’s no better time
This virus is going nowhere and we must do everything we can to keep ourselves safe. That includes our financial and physical selves. On the physical side, it’s important to keep practicing safety precautions. On the financial side, it is important to practice being active in some way in every market and it appears as if one of the better ways to do that is with equity crowdfunding.
Why not start by checking out one of the top-rated crowdfunding platforms online,
McMillions and the Mindset of Financial Literacy
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